Friday 14 August 2015



I will first start by appreciating the opportunity given by the Sekusile Primary School Principal to do my teaching practice at the school and the warm welcome by all the foundation phase teachers and stuff members.The school is situated around Nkomazi the spoken language is Siswati.

let me start by the good work done by the principal to ensure that the school maintain discipline and respect. The teachers everyday in the morning 6h30 to 07:00 am they hold a meeting which is compulsory for all teachers to attend to plan for the day , address problem faced with learners and any other things related to the school .This makes the teachers to be always on time in school ,never late to start their everyday lessons, to be always up to date with what is happening in the school and to take thier work serious. At 7:00 its assembly time for learners , but most of the learners fail to be on time for assembly or to be in class in time , the cause that i observed o is that the parents or guardians they don't respect the time in  which their children suppose to be in school and most of the learners stay very far from the school. The principal always gives guidance to the learners to be always on time in school. other thing that the school do always during assembly there is always a pastor that preach , motivate and give guidance pray for the school for better.

The classroom that i was placed in during my WIL teaching practice is grade 2D The teacher's name is Z. Mlotshwa. The teacher in the morning with her learners they check if the class is clean then check learners that are clean and wearing proper uniform, this is an everyday routine. after checking hygiene in class with the learners they read classroom rules before they start the lesson of the day.the reason why she always read the classroom rules with the learners is that she wanted to keep discipline in the class.The first lesson in the morning is Maths always start with counting forward and back 1-200 and immediately after school its life skills. During any lesson when there's a learners who's misbehaving in class she would call him or her politely to stop misbehaving an quickly continue with the lesson. She always maintained he temper at her lowest she never raise her  voice to the learner.

Mrs Z. Mlotshwa she a good teacher with respect to the learners and everyone around her.I have learned a lot to her especially to behave around learners and how to talk to my learners in order to maintain discipline in class (the strategy i liked to ensure that children behave in an acceptable manner is reading the classroom rules everyday in the morning with them.

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